Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Raw papaya is one of the most effective home remedies for ringworm. The slices of this fruit should be rubbed on the ringworm patches. A paste made from dried papaya seeds can also be applied beneficially on these ringworm patches

Another effective home remedy for ringworm is mustard seeds. A paste should be prepared from these seeds and applied externally over the ringworm patches after thoroughly washing the skin with sufficient hot water

The seeds of the herb butea are valuable in ringworm. The seeds should be ground to a paste and mixed with a little lime juice. This paste should be applied externally over the skin affected by ringworm

The leaves of the cassia tree are useful in irritation of the skin and in alleviating swellings and pains. The juice of these leaves or a paste made from them can be applied to ringworm patches with gratifying results

The leaves of holy basil are also useful in ringworm. The juice of these leaves should be extracted and applied over ringworm patches

Turmeric is very effective in the treatment of ringworm. The juice of raw turmeric should be applied externally to the parts of the skin affected by ringworm. Simultaneously, one teaspoon of turmeric juice mixed with an equal quantity of honey should be taken orally

Raw vegetable juices, especially carrot juice in combination with spinach juice, have proved beneficial in the treatment of ringworm. The formula proportions considered helpful in this combination are 300 ml of carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice to make 500 ml or half a litre of juice


The liberal use of mangoes during the season is considered an effective remedy for prevention and treatment of sinusitis. Mangoes contribute towards formation of healthy epithelium, thereby preventing frequent attacks of common infections like sinusitis. This is attributable to a high concentration of vitamin A in the fruit

The use of pungent foods like garlic and onion is one of the most effective remedies for sinus problems. One should begin with small mild doses and increase them gradually. Beneficial results can also be achieved by adding these herbs in moderate amounts to regular meals

The seeds of fenugreek are another effective remedy for sinusitis. A tea prepared by boiling one teaspoon of seeds in 250 ml of water till it is reduced to half, will help the body to produce perspiration, dispel toxicity, and shorten the period of fever in the acute stage of the disease. Upto four cups should be taken daily. The quantity should be reduced as the condition improves

A teaspoon of black cumin seeds tied in a thin cotton cloth can provide relief when inhaled. The condition can also be relieved by taking a mixture of 100 gm of roasted and ground cumin seeds and 200 gm of pure honey

Carrot juice, taken separately or in combination with juices of beet and cucumber, or with spinach juice, has been found beneficial in the treatment of sinus trouble. In the case of combined juices, 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices, or 200 ml of spinach juice, should be mixed with 300ml of carrot juice to make 500 ml or half a litre of the mixed juice

A diet rich in vitamin A is the best insurance against cold and sinus trouble. Vitamin A is the 'membrane conditioner' and it helps build healthy mucous membranes in the nose and throat. Some of the valuable sources of this vitamin are whole milk, curds, egg yolk, pumpkin, carrots, leafy vegetables, tomatoes, mangoes, and papaya. When the sinus trouble has already developed, relief can be obtained by taking vitamin A in large therapeutic doses of 25,000 IU per day. Vitamin C has also proved beneficial in the treatment of sinusitis and the patient should take one gram of this vitamin per day in two therapeutic doses of 500 mg each

Sore Throat

Mango bark is efficacious in the treatment of a sore throat and other throat disorders. Its fluid, which is extracted by grinding, can be applied locally with beneficial results. It can also be used as a throat gargle. This gargle is prepared by mixing 10 ml of the fluid extract with 125 ml of water

The herb "belleric myroblan" is a valuable sore throat remedy. A mixture of two grams of the pulp of the fruit, a quarter teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of powdered long pepper and two teaspoons of honey should be administered in the treatment of this condition. The fried fruit can also be roasted after covering it with wheat flour, and used as a cure for a sore throat.

Bishop's weed is valuable for sore throat treatment. An infusion of the seeds mixed with common salt can be used beneficially as a gargle in an acute condition caused by a cold.

Cinnamon is regarded as an effective remedy for a sore throat resulting from a cold. One teaspoon of coarsely powdered cinnamon, boiled in a glass of water with a pinch of pepper powder, and two teaspoons of honey can be taken as a medicine in the treatment of this condition. Two or three drops of cinnamon oil, mixed with a teaspoon of honey, also give immense relief

A gargle prepared from fenugreek seeds has been found to be a very effective remedy for treating a sore throat. To prepare this gargle, two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds should be put in a litre of cold water and allowed to simmer for half an hour over a low flame. This should then be allowed to cool to a bearable temperature, strained, and then used entirely as a gargle.

The leaves of henna are useful as a sore throat cure. A decoction of the leaves can be used as a gargle for this purpose.

The leaves of holy basil have also been found beneficial in the in curing sore throat. Water boiled with basil leaves should be taken as a drink, and also used as a gargle to relieve a sore throat

The herb kantakari is a valuable in sore throat remedy. An extract of the plant should be used as a gargle for this purpose. This extract is prepared by continuously boiling the plant in about two litres of water after washing it thoroughly

Liquorice is a recognized home remedy for sore throat in all parts of India. A small piece of raw liquorice should he chewed or sucked for treating this condition. The healing property of the herb soothes inflammation quickly

Sage is another effective cure for a sore throat. Half a litre of boiling water should be poured on a handful of sage leaves. When moderately cool, a little vinegar and honey should be added according to taste. This mixture should be used as a gargle. A teaspoon of this mixture call also be taken internally at the same time

A decoction made from tea leaves is very beneficial in the treatment of a sore throat. This decoction, mixed with a pinch of salt, should be used as a gargle. It can be used two or three times daily for obtaining relief. It is not necessary to use fresh leaves for this purpose. Boiling water can be poured over used tea leaves in the tea jug and this decoction used as a gargle.

Tamarind is also beneficial in the treatment of sore throat. Tamarind water should be used as a gargle. A powder of the dry leaves and an infusion of the bark can also be used for preparation of a gargle for treating sore throat


Apply aloe vera or vinegar on the affected skin; it will stop inflammation and pain.

Avoid products made from benzocaine, lidocaine and petroleum jelly.

Rub mustard oil on the affected skin and allow to it dry, this will take out the heat from the skin.

Cut fresh cucumber slices and rub them on the affected area. Before taking bath, add some baking powder to the bath water, this will help to soothe the burnt skin.

Apply lavender oil or peppermint oil on the burnt skin. Apply apple cider vinegar to the burnt skin using cotton ball. Take herbal bath; put few drops of chamomile and lavender essential oils in bath water. Take epsom salt or ice compress.

Grate some potatoes and apply them on the burnt skin. Starch from the potatoes will soothe the burn.

Toenail fungus

Tea tree oil is a potent natural antiseptic and fungicide that will help fight your fungus. Apply undiluted tea tree oil with olive oil to the affected toe nail. Alternatively you can put few drops of tea tree oil on toenails and rub it thoroughly every day.

Soak your toes in Listerine mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toe nails looking healthy.

Soak your toenails for 15 - 20 minutes in basin full of warm water and natural apple cider vinegar mixed in equal proportion. When done, dry your toenails thoroughly. Use a hair dryer on warm setting to absorb all the moisture in and around the toes

Put equal amount of tea tree oil and lavender oil on a cotton ball or swab. Dab it under the top edge of the toe nail and surrounding area 2 or 3 times a day. Tea tree oil is natural antibiotic and lavender will help fight the infection and prevent skin irritation

Blend 2 drops of Oregano essential oil with a tsp of olive oil. Apply this mixture on the affected area daily for NOT more than three weeks. Oregano essential oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiparasitical, antiviral, analgesic and antifungal properties
Lather AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) creams on to your feet before going to bed. This will flush the rough scaly skin from your feet that is more prone to growing fungus


Among the most effective home remedies for toothache is garlic. A clove of garlic with a little rock salt should be placed on the affected tooth. It will relieve the pain and, sometimes, may even cure it. A clove should also be chewed daily in the morning. It will make the cure teeth making it strong and healthy.

Research has confirmed the bactericidal properties of onion. If a person consumes one raw onion every day by thorough mastication, he will be protected from host of tooth disorders. Chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. Toothache is often allayed by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum.

Lime, as a rich source of vitamin C, is useful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, dental caries, toothache, and bleeding of the gums

The juice of wheat grass acts as an excellent mouthwash for tooth decay and cures toothaches. Wheat grass can be chewed with beneficial results. It draws out toxins from the gums and thus checks bacterial growth.

The use of asafoetida has been found useful in curing toothache. It should be pestled in lemon Juice and slightly heated. A cotton swab should be soaked in this lotion and placed in the cavity of the tooth. It will relieve pain quickly.

A paste of the bark of bay berry should be made with vinegar. This paste, applied on the affected tooth, will relieve the toothache. It can also be applied beneficially on the gums for strengthening them.

Another home remedy for toothache is in the use of clove, which reduces pain. It also helps decrease infection due to its antiseptic properties. Clove oil, applied to a cavity in a decayed tooth, also relieves toothache.

A mixture of a pinch of pepper powder and a quarter teaspoon of common salt is an excellent dentrifice. Its daily use prevents dental cavities, foul breath, bleeding from the gums, painful gums, and toothaches. It cures the increased sensitiveness of the teeth. A pinch of pepper powder mixed with clove oil can be put on the cavities to alleviate the toothache.


Some of the effective home remedies for vomiting are as follows. Have a cup of ginger tea, Eat a mixture of honey and powder of 2 roasted cardamoms, Have a glass of chilled lime juice, Have a mixture of 1 tsp mint juice, 1 tsp lime juice, 1/2 tsp ginger juice and 1 tsp honey. Slowly sip a glass of honey water, Have one tsp onion juice in regular interval, Slowly sip a glass of chilled cola, Relax for some time.

For the first twelve hours after vomiting do not take any solid food. Limit yourself only to liquids like apple juice, carbonated juices, water and so on. Avoid citrus juices and dairy products for the first 24 hours. During the next twelve hours gradually start eating banana, peeled apple, boiled potatoes, boiled rice and soup without cream. After 24 hours you can have cottage cheese, non-fat milk, broiled chicken, lean meat and so on

Wrinkles treatment @ Home

Here are some simple home remedies to deal with wrinkles on skin and prevent the formation of new ones –

Apply egg whites to the skin under your eyes.

Odour-free castor oil can be applied to the skin under the eyes or on that of the throat.

Empty the contents of 3 Vitamin E capsules into a small bowl. Add to this 2 tsps plain yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the face using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse.

Gently massage coconut oil on portions of skin prone to wrinkles every night a bedtime.

A paste of turmeric with sugarcane juice is great to get rid of wrinkles and slow skin ageing.

Cut a green Thompson seedless grape in half and gently crush it on your face on the wrinkles. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and let it dry in natural air.

Rub the core of pineapple on the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off. This works well on fine wrinkles.

Applying juice of green pineapples and apples on the face daily for 10-15 minutes is good for fine wrinkles and cracked skin.

Application of pure castor oil regularly prevents wrinkles.