Friday, September 18, 2009

International Recruitment Trends

It is apparent that the most significant changes to recruitment involve the development of professional employment organisations (P.E.O.’s), the use of email and the internet for sourcing jobs and candidates and the continuing trend towards contractors and temporary staff.

The recruitment industry is gearing up for these changes by developing strategic alliances and global partnering to ensure access to the best candidates world wide.

Professionalism, technical competence and the development of world best practice are the hallmarks of successful recruitment consultancies. Organisations hiring staff continue to undergo massive change in striving to be competitive and profitable.

Many organisations have moved to outsourcing all of their non-core activities.

P.E.O.’s have emerged to manage multiple employee groups for companies outsourcing the human resource function. All employees from unskilled positions through to the CEO can, and are, outsourced.

This concept is quite different to the typical approach used by most temp agencies. Organisations of any size can benefit from this approach and employees, particularly those working in smaller companies, have much to gain from the combined benefits that a P.E.O. can offer as a large employer.

Increasingly, recruitment agencies are moving towards sourcing candidates through internet job boards enabling recruitment activity to occur in real time. The ability to recruit internationally has been a huge development and boon for organisations using these services.

In Asia, the concept of “a job for life” is rapidly becoming a vague memory as large scale retrenchment occurs and unemployment figures rise. The growth in temporary and contract positions is a continuing trend and one that is already emerging as a significant growth area in Australia.

Unfortunately, in Australia this growth has also brought with it unparalleled growth in the number of temporary hire firms, many of which lack the professionalism and skills required.

As there is no licensing requirement for recruitment firms, virtually anyone can set up a business with little accountability for their actions. The closest we have to licensing in Australia is membership to the Recruitment and Consulting Services Association (R.C.S.A.), the peak industry body throughout Australia and New Zealand.

This is a professional development and self regulatory body made up of member firms which adhere to a strict code of ethics and conduct. The dismantling of the former Commonwealth Employment Service has resulted in confusion in the marketplace and inaccurate perceptions which pool all employment services under the one umbrella.

The fact is that only a very small number of private employment agencies are part of the new “Job Network”. The important philosophical difference between these services and the vast majority of private agencies is the focus.

Job Network agencies are contracted to find jobs for unemployed job seekers, therefore their key focus is on the job seeker.

Private agencies provide a service to employers using their skill, expertise, recruitment systems and networks to source the right candidates whether currently employed or not for their client companies.

The focus in this case is on the employer. This distinction may be subtle but it represents a quantum difference in the two approaches and, consequently, the quality of the service provided to meet the expectations of employers.

Information technology is a major growth area and positions will continue to emerge globally for skilled and qualified personnel. It is pleasing to note that Australia is at the forefront in many areas within the recruitment profession.

In particular, we have a strong emphasis on delivering a quality service and in ensuring the technical competence of consultants. Our industrial relations environment has meant that in Australia there has been an emphasis on ensuring that the right staff are sourced which has resulted in quality recruitment techniques that are now in demand by overseas firms.


Recent trends in Recruitment

The following trends are being seen in recruitment:

In India, the HR processes are being outsourced from more than a decade now. A company may draw required personnel from outsourcing firms. The outsourcing firms help the organisation by the initial screening of the candidates according to the needs of the organisation and creating a suitable pool of talent for the final selection by the organisation. Outsourcing firms develop their human resource pool by employing people for them and make available personnel to various companies as per their needs. In turn, the outsourcing firms or the intermediaries charge the organisations for their services.

Advantages of outsourcing are:

1. Company need not plan for human resources much in advance.
2. Value creation, operational flexibility and competitive advantage
3. Turning the management's focus to strategic level processes of HRM
4. Company is free from salary negotiations, weeding the unsuitable resumes/candidates.
5. Company can save a lot of its resources and time

“Buying talent” (rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed by the organisations today. Poaching means employing a competent and experienced person already working with another reputed company in the same or different industry; the organisation might be a competitor in the industry. A company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay packages and other terms and conditions, better than the current employer of the candidate. But it is seen as an unethical practice and not openly talked about. Indian software and the retail sector are the sectors facing the most severe brunt of poaching today. It has become a challenge for human resource managers to face and tackle poaching, as it weakens the competitive strength of the firm.

Many big organizations use Internet as a source of recruitment. E-recruitment is the use of technology to assist the recruitment process. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae i.e. CV through e mail using the Internet. Alternatively job seekers place their CV’s in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employees depending upon their requirements.

Advantages of recruitment are:
1. Low cost.
2. No intermediaries
3. Reduction in time for recruitment.
4. Recruitment of right type of people.
5. Efficiency of recruitment process.

India’s Best Places to Work

Software application developer RMSI has come up trumps as India’s best workplace in a study on India’s Best Companies to Work For 2009 released on Tuesday night. The Noida-based firm is followed by Intel and Federal Express at No 2 and No 3 spots, respectively. Aviva, Google, Qualcomm, Marriott, AmEx, NetApp and NTPC are others that make up the dream list of the Top 10 in that order. Jointly rolled out by The Economic Times and The Great Places to Work(R) Institute India, the study — in its sixth year — picked up 50 best workplaces in India.

The Best workplaces were honoured at a gala award ceremony in Mumbai, attended by Who’s Who of the HR fraternity in the country. It can’t get bigger than this. As many as 373 companies registered for the study from across 25 industry verticals to sniff out the best companies to work for in India, making it the largest of its kind ever.

While top companies celebrate, others can take heart, too. For this year, the survey has unleashed as many as seven special categories such as excellence in CSR, where IT behemoth Infosys makes a dent. Similarly, in terms of management credibility, HDFC rules supreme. And if that’s not enough, many more have made their mark within their respective industry verticals by notching up pole position, even if they don’t figure in the Top 25. Take the case of Monsanto — the agro-input major may not figure in the Top 25, but has emerged as a clear leader among five participants from the agro-based/dairy/poultry industry.

Speaking at the event, Prasenjit Bhattacharya, CEO of Great Place to Work(R) Institute, said: “To the best of my knowledge, this is the only study to have got the registration figures certified by an independent third-party audit firm.” This year, the study was certified by Suresh Surana & Associates, the sixth-largest accounting and consultancy firm in India. Mr Bhattacharya added that India’s Best Companies to Work For study will shortly become the largest study of its kind in the world.

“If you want to benchmark your workplace culture with the best in your industry in the country and globally, you cannot afford to miss this study.” Apart from a more equitable distribution, the study uniquely relied on employee feedback with as much as two-third weightage given to this mechanism. In other words, the study not only observed, recorded and highlighted some of the best HR practices in the country, but also reviewed these practices as seen from the prism of employees.
When compared with the top 100 companies in the US, the top 50 Indian companies are not far behind. A wide swathe of metrics, from corporate governance to work-life balance, and from empowerment to equity, offers axiomatic proof. Without doubt, the study highlights that India can only grow if it leverages its human and intellectual capital.

The Top 25 -1. RMSI
2. Intel India
3. FedEx
4. Aviva Life Insurance
5. Google India
6. Qualcomm India Pvt. Ltd.
7. Marriott Hotels India
8. American Express
9. NetApp India
10. NTPC
11. Bharti Airtel
12. Agilent Technologies
13. Classic Stripes Ltd.
14. ITC Ltd. - Hotels Division
15. Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.
16. Hilti India Pvt. Ltd.
17. Corbus India Pvt. Ltd.
18. Tavant Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
19. Mindtree Ltd.
20. iNautix Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
21. Sabre Travel Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
22. Johnson & Johnson Ltd.
23. Silver Spark Apparels Ltd.
24. Titan Industries Ltd.
25. Mando India Ltd.

*Source - Economic Times

Friday, July 10, 2009

Massage for Joints and Nerves

Massage of the Joints :
Stiff and swollen joints can be cured by massage combined with mechanical movements.
Massage is, however, not recommended in serious inflammatory cases of the joints and in tubercular joints. It should also be avoided in infectious diseases like diphtheria and gonorrhoea which cause formation of pus as massage may spread the pus to the entire system. Sprains and bruises can be cured by massage. In these cases, affected parts should first be bathed with hot water for 15 to 30 minutes. Next the massage should be done for a few minutes. Gentle stroking and kneading is recommended on and around the injured tissues. Fractures can also be treated
through massage.
This form of massage is of great help in atrophy of the muscles which usually follows if the muscles are not used for any length of time. This condition may also be brought about by injuries, diseases of the joints, inflammation of the muscles and nerves, and by too long use of cats, bandages and splints.
A human being carries one -half of the weight of his body in the form of muscular tissues. One-fourth of the blood supply circulates in the muscles. When one gets a good massage treatment, the muscles get regenerated and are then capable of holding half of the blood supply.
Massage thus provides additional nourishment to feed the muscular tissues, helping them to grow strong. Tapping, striking, and vibrating help the muscle to develop its contractile power.
Muscle massage is brought by first effleurage, kneading, followed by tapotement. Later, active and passive movements are given.
Massage is employed for eliminatng muscle contraction and for breaking of adhesions. A little moderate kneading, and percussion cause muscles to contract and become stronger. Deep circular kneading and vibration loosens the muscles. Kneading under and round the muscles breaks up adhesions.

Massaging the nerves :
Massage benefits many nerve problems. In case of acute inflammation of the nerves, massage should be done carefully. Light and gentle stroking are recommended. Deep pressure should not be used on swollen nerves for it will increase the inflammation. All that is needed is just a gentle tapotement or beating of the nerve.
Nerve compression is recommended for soothing nerves. Grasp the limb with both hands, and create firm pressure around and down the arm. Start with the shoulder and proceed down to the wrist. As you leave the grip, bring the hands down a little and make another pressure. As a result, blood circulation will increase. Spinal nerve compression is extremely beneficial. It is done by the palm of the hand. Vibration of the fingers stimulate it. Sleeplessness can be cured by long slow and gentle stroking down the spine and entire back.
Material for Massage:

Cotton seed oil is most commonly used for massaging, but butter is used for filling out cheeks and the neck and also for breast enlargement. If the patient is averse to oil, talcum powder may be used. Oil should not be used by persons with excessive body hair. General body massage may be done for 40 to 45 minutes and local body massage for 10 to 15 minutes.
The oil should be washed off completely after massage.

Therapeutic Uses:
Massage can be used with advantage as a method of treatment for many common ailments.

Therapeutic Value of Massage

Massage is an excellent form of passive exercise. The word is derived from the Greek word ‘massier’ which means to knead. It involves the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. If correctly done on a bare body, it can be highly stimulating and invigorating.
As far back as 400 B.C. , the great Hippocrates, the father of medicine, employed massage and manipulation in healing his patients. Since then it has been used as a mode of treatment for many ailments and it has restored many a sufferer to health and vigour.

The general massage, dealing with all parts of the body, is highly beneficial in many ways. It tones up the nervous system, influences respiration and quickens the elimination of poisons and waste material from the body through the various eliminative organs such as the lungs, skin, kidneys and bowels. It also boosts blood circulation and metabolic processes. A massage removes facial wrinkles , helps to fill out hollow cheeks and neck and eases stiffness, sore muscles and numbness.

Various movements
There are five fundamental modes of manipulation in massage and these are : effleurage stroking), friction ( rubbing), petrissage ( kneading), tapotment (percussion) and vibration(shaking or trembling).
Effleurage :
This involves sliding with the hands, using long even strokes over the surface of the body. Effleurage is performed in five ways, namely stroking with (I) palms of two hands; (ii) the palm of one hand; (iii) the knuckles; (iv) the ball of the thumb and (v) the finger tips. Effleurage increases blood circulation and soothes the nervous system. It also warms and relaxes. It is very helpful in atrophied condition of the skin.
Friction :
The movements, which are circular in nature are performed with the help of the thumb and tips of fingers or the palm of the hand towards the joints or around the joints. Fric- tion limbers up joints, tendons, and muscles and facilitates the removal of deposits by breaking them. It also helps in reducing swelling after nerve inflammation.
Petrissage :
This is the process of kneading, pressing and rolling of the tissues and is performed with one or both hands, with two thumbs or with thumbs and fingers. One should apply heavy pressure for deep kneading and light pressure for superficial kneading. Petrissage is a treatment of the muscles. It increases nutrition, strengthens muscles, relieves intestinal congestion and helps elimination of the poisons. It boosts long activity and cellular respiration, eliminates fatigue
poisons and tones up nerve endings.
Tapotement :
This involves hacking, tapping, clapping and beating and is achieved by striking the body rapidly. Short and quick blows are generally given from the wrist. Tapotement helps in atrophied condition of the muscles. It increases blood supply, soothes nerves and strengthens muscles.
Vibrations :
This is achieved by rapidly shaking the pressing movements by use of the hand or fingers on the body. Vibrating hand should move constantly. This is beneficial in neuritis and neuralgia after the inflammatory stage is over. It stimulates circulation, glandular activity and nervous plexuses. It Therapeutic Value of Massage also helps in bowel movement.
Another form of massage helpful in most elements is the vibratory massage. This can be done by trained persons only. The vibratory muscles is more efficiently administered by a special,electrically operated machine.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sexual Impotence

Garlic is one of the most remarkable home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of sexual impotence. It is a natural and harmless aphrodisiac. According to an eminent sexologist of the United States, garlic has a pronounced aphrodisiac effect. It is a tonic for loss of sexual power due to any cause, and for sexual debility and impotency resulting from sexual overindulgence and nervous exhaustion. Two to three cloves of raw garlic should be chewed daily

Onion is another important aphrodisiac food, second only to garlic. It increases libido and strengthens the reproductory organs. The white variety of onion is, however, more useful for this purpose

Carrots are considered valuable in impotence. For better results, about 150 gm of carrots, chopped finely, should be taken with a half-boiled egg, dipped in a tablespoon of honey, once daily for a month or two. This recipe increases sexual stamina

Lady's fingers are another tonic for improving sexual vigour. It has been mentioned in ancient Indian literature that persons who take five to ten grams of the root powder of this vegetable with a glass of milk and two teaspoons of ground mishri daily, will never lose sexual vigour

The dried roots of asparagus are user in Unani medicine as an aphrodisiac. They are available in the market as safed musli. Fifteen grams of roots boiled in one cup of milk should be taken twice daily. The regular use of this remedy is valuable in impotency and premature ejaculation

A soup made with about fifteen grams of drumstick flowers boiled in 250 ml milk is very useful as a sexual tonic in the treatment of sexual debility. It is also useful in functional sterility in both males and females. The powder of the dry bark is also valuable in impotency, premature ejaculation, and thinness of semen. About 120 gm of the powder of the dry bark should be boiled in half a litre of water for about half an hour. Thirty grams of this powder, mixed with a tablespoon of honey, should be taken three times daily for a month

The juice extracted from ginger is a valuable aphrodisiac and beneficial in the treatment of sexual weakness. For better results, half a teaspoon of ginger juice should be taken with a half-boiled egg and honey, once daily at night, for a month. It is said to relieve impotency, premature ejaculation, and spermatorrhoea

Dried dates are a highly-strengthening food. Pounded and mixed with almonds, pistachio nuts, and quince seeds in equal quantities, about 100 gm should be taken daily as an effective medicine for increasing sexual power

Black raisins are useful for restoration of sexual vigour. They should be boiled with milk after being washed thoroughly in tepid water. This will make them swollen and sweet. Eating of these raisins should be followed by the intake of milk. Starting with 30 gm of raisins, followed by 200 ml of milk three times daily, the quantity of raisins should be gradually increased to 50 gm each time

Intestinal Worms

Worms and other intestinal parasites which infest human beings are found in all countries of the world. However, they are more common in tropical and subtropical areas and are widely prevalent during the rainy seasons.
Children are more infested with these worms than adults. There are several types of intestinal worms. The most common of these are roundworms, pinworms, threadworms, hookworms,tapeworms and giardia.
The usual symptoms of intestinal worms are diarrhoea, foul breath, dark circles under the eyes,constant desire for food, restlessness at night with bad dreams, anaemia and headache. Roundworms may give rise to inflammation of the intestine and lungs, nausea, vomiting, loss of weight, fever, nervousness and irritability. Pinworms and thread worms may bring on intenseitching in the area around the rectum.
Threadworms may cause periodic bouts of diarrhoea alternating with constipation, loss of weight, cough and fever. Hookworms may give rise to anaemia and nutritional disorders. The presence of giardia may result in pain in the calves and weakness in the legs.
The eggs of these parasites are introduced into the human system through the medium of food or water, especially undercooked meat. Roundworms may result from dirty fingers and food.
Hookworms enter the human body through the skin from infected water. The tapeworms are transmitted into the body through undercooked flesh foods or foods contaminated by dogs.
The real cause of intestinal worms, however, is wrong feeding. The eggs of these worms, taken into the human body through food and water can breed in the intestines only if they find there a suitable medium for their propagation. This medium is an intestinal tract clogged with morbid matter and systemic refuse due to wrong feeding habits.
The treatment for intestinal worms should begin with diet. The patient should be kept on an exclusive diet of fresh fruits for five to seven days. Thereafter he may adopt a well-balanced light diet consisting mainly of fruits, vegetables, milk and wholemeal bread. The diet should exclude fatty foods such as butter, cream, and oil, refined foods and all flesh foods. This dietary should be continued till the parasites are completely eliminated.
In some cases, depending on the progress being made, the all-fruit diet may have to be repeated at regular intervals. In obstinate cases the patient should resort to short fasts on raw fruit and vegetable juices. This fast has to be of a fairly long duration in case of tapeworms. It would be advisable to carry on this fast treatment under the supervision of a naturopath, or better still, in a nature cure hospital. During the all-fruit diet or fasting period, the bowels should be cleansed daily with the warm water enema.
Home Remedies
Among the numerous home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of intestinal worms, the use of coconut is most effective. It is an ancient remedy for expelling all kinds of intestinal worms. A tablespoon of the freshly ground coconut should be taken at breakfast followed by a dose of castor oil after three hours. The process may be repeated till the cure is complete.
Garlic has been used for expelling intestinal worms from ancient times by the Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Hindus and Babylonians. It is also used by modern biological practitioners for this purpose. Both fresh garlic and its oil are effective. An ancient method of its medication was to place a couple of cloves of fresh garlic in its shoe. As the person walks, it is crushed and the worm-killing garlic oil is absorbed by the skin and carried by blood into the intestines as it
Intestinal Worms possesses the powerful penetrative force. This method is worth a trial by those who do not like the taste of garlic and cannot eat it.
The carrot (gajar) is valuable in the elimination of threadworms from children as it is offensive to all parasites. A small cup of grated carrot taken every morning, with no other food added to the meal, can clear these worms quickly.
The digestive enzyme papain in the milk juice of the unripe papaya (papita) is a powerful anthelmintic for destroying roundworms. A tablespoon of fresh juice and equal quantity of honey should be mixed with three to four tablespoons of hot water and taken as a dose by an adult.
This should be followed two hours later by a dose of 30 to 60 ml. of castor oil mixed in 250 - 375 ml. of lukewarm milk. This treatment should be repeated for two days, if necessary.
For children of 7 to 10 years, half the above doses should be given. For children under three years, a tablespoon is sufficient.
Papaya seeds are also useful for this purpose. They are rich in a substance called caricin which is a very effective medicine for expelling roundworms. The alkaloid Carpaine found in the leaves has also the power to destroy or expel intestinal worms. They are given with honey.
The bark, both of the root and the stems of pomegranate (anar) tree, is well known for its anthelmintic properties of destroying parasitic worms. The root-bark is , however, preferred as it contains greater quantity of the alkaloid punicine than the stem-bark. This alkaloid is highly toxic to tapeworms. Ninety to 180 ml. of the cold decoction of bark, preferably fresh bark, should be given three times at intervals of one hour to an adult. A purgative should be given after the last dose. The dose for children is 30 to 60 ml. The decoction is used for expelling tapeworms.
The seeds of the ripe pumpkin (kumra) are useful in intestinal worms, especially tapeworms. An infusion, prepared from the seeds after they are peeled and crushed, will kill parasites and help in expelling the tapeworm. It will be necessary to fast for a day and empty the intestines by taking the juice of boiled dry prunes. The next day, three or four tumblers of this pumpkin seed infusion should be taken.


Maida – 1 cup;
Ghee 1/8 cup,
Sugar ¾ Cup;
Oil for Deep frying,
Warm Water;
Soda a pinch.

Sieve Maida & Soda, place in a bowl add Ghee & make a soft dough using warm water. (The dough should be softer than Chapathi Dough). Then take lime size balls make a dent in the center with yr. thumb, & fry in hot oil on low heat, till golden brown on both sides, remove from oil and put into syrup, remove from syrup & place on plate to dry. Do the same till all the dough is finished. If you have remaining syrup pour over the Badhusha’s that are on the plate drying – leave to dry.

To Make the Syrup:
Put Sugar in a vessel add ¼ cup of water & stir till sugar dissolves, let
the syrup boil to one thread consistency, remove from flame


24 Mutton (boneless, 4 inch pieces)
For gravy
1/3 cup Oil
1/2 cup Onion (paste)
1 tsp Red chilli
1/2 cup Yogurt (whisked)
1/2 cup Onion (fried)
Salt to taste
1 tsp Garam masala powder
1 tbsp Fresh coriander leaves (chopped)
For marination
2 tbsps Raw papaya
20 Cashewnut
2 tsps Poppy seeds (khus khus)
2 tsps Sunflower seed (charoli)
1½ tbsps Ginger
1½ tbsps Garlic
1 tsp Black peppercorns

Flatten the mutton pieces slightly and pat them dry. Grind together cashewnuts, poppy seeds and sunflower seeds into a fine paste. Combine all ingredients from marination and rub the mixture over the mutton pieces. Keep aside for thirty minutes. Heat oil in heavy bottom pan, add onion paste sauté till golden brown. Add red chilli powder stir and remove from heat. Add yogurt, stir and return to heat. Cook till it comes to a boil. Add marinated mutton pieces and sauté till the oil floats on top. Add fried onion paste and salt. Reduce heat, cover and cook stirring in between to prevent the masala from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Cook till the mutton is tender and gravy is thick. Sprinkle garam masala powder, remove from heat, stir and check for seasoning. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot.


600 gram(s) prawns shelled and deveined
3 teaspoon(s) red chilli (kashmiri) powder
1½ teaspoon(s) garlic paste
1½ teaspoon(s) ginger paste
¾ teaspoon(s) thymol seeds (ajwain)
1½ teaspoon(s) garam masala (hot spice mix)
1½ tablespoon(s) lemon juice
1½ tablespoon(s) plain flour
salt to taste and a pinch of orange-red color
oil to deep fry
onion slices and lemon wedges to garnish

Wash the shelled and deveined prawns well. In a bowl, mix the prawns with the rest of the ingredients till the prawns are well-coated with the spices. Marinate for about 3 hours. Heat the oil till it is very hot and deep fry the prawns on medium heat till they are crisp. Garnish with onion slices and lemon wedges.

The kashmiri chilli powder is of a very bright red color and is less hot compared to the normal type. It gives a lovely red color when added to any dish. The normal red chilli powder will do equal justice to the taste if not the color.
Fish slices can be used in place of prawns to give Fish Koliwada.