Monday, August 4, 2008

Piles treatment at home

Three of four figs should be soaked overnight in water after being cleaned thoroughly in hot water. They should be taken first thing in the morning along with the water in which they were soaked. They should also be taken in evening in the similar manner. This treatment should be continued for three or four weeks. The tiny seeds of the fruit possess all excellent quality of stimulating peristaltic movement of the intestines. This facilitates easy evacuation of faeces and keeps the alimentary canal clean. The pressure on the anus thus being relieved, the hemorrhoids also contract.

Mango seeds are an effective remedy for bleeding piles. The seeds should be collected during the mango season, dried in the shade, powdered, and kept stored for use as medicine. This powder should be given in doses of about one and a half to two grams with or without honey, twice daily

The jambul fruit is another effective remedy for bleeding piles. The fruit should be taken with salt every morning for two or three months during its season. The use of the fruit in this manner during every season will effect a complete cure and save the user from bleeding piles for his entire life.

White radish is considered highly valuable in piles; 100 mg of grated radish mixed with a teaspoon of honey may be taken twice daily in treating this condition. This vegetable can also be taken in the form of juice mixed with a pinch of salt. It should be given in doses of 60 to 90 ml, morning and evening. White radish, well ground into a paste in milk. can also be applied over inflamed pile masses to relieve pain and swelling.

The leaves of turnip have been found useful in this disease. The juice of these leaves should be extracted and 150 ml given to the patient. It is, however, necessary to take a proper diet of raw fruits and vegetables while taking this juice. For better results, 50 ml of the juice should be mixed with equal quantities of juices of watercress, spinach, and carrots.

The juice of the fresh leaves of bitter gourd is also valuable in piles. Three teaspoons of the leaf juice, mixed with a glass of buttermilk, should be taken every morning for treating this condition. A paste of the roots of the bitter gourd plant can also be applied over piles with beneficial results.

Ginger is also useful in this disease. Half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, mixed with one teaspoon each of fresh lime juice and fresh mint juice, and a tablespoon of honey, constitutes an effective medicine for piles.

Onions are valuable in bleeding piles. About thirty grams of this vegetable should be finely rubbed in water and sixty grams of sugar added to it. It should be taken twice daily by the Patient. It will bring relief within a few days. Onion is also useful in the treatment of dry piles. A crushed onion, skinned and roasted in aches, may be applied with beneficial results.

Rice has a very low fibre content and is, therefore, extremely soothing to the digestive system. A thick gruel of rice, mixed with a glass of buttermilk and a ripe banana, given twice a day, is a very nutritious diet for a patient with piles.

Wheat grass juice used as an enema helps detoxify the walls of the piles. The general procedure is to give an enema with lukewarm or neem water. After waiting for twenty minutes, 90 to 120 ml of the wheat grass juice enema is given. This should be retained for fifteen minutes.

Sesame seeds are also valuable in piles. They can be taken in the form of a decoction by boiling twenty grams of seeds in 500 ml of water till it is reduced by one-third, or as sweetmeats. Ground to paste with water, they can be given with butter for bleeding piles.

The herb chebulic myroblan is a popular remedy for piles. It is very effective as a laxative and is highly astringent. The fruit should be roasted to a brown colour in cluster oil, and then powdered and stored. Half a teaspoon of this powder at bedtime will bring about normal bowel movements in the morning, and the astringent property of the fruit will heal masses. A decoction of the herb prepared by boiling six 10 seven dry fruits in half a litre of water should be used for washing bleeding piles. The paste of the fruit mixed in a bland oil is good as an external application.


Grapes are one of the most effective home remedies for heart palpitation. The patient should take the juice of this fruit at frequent intervals. This will relieve the condition.

The use of guava is another effective home remedy for palpitation of the heart. The patient should eat a ripe guava daily on an empty stomach. It is especially beneficial if this disorder caused by nervousness and anaemia.

The leaves of snake gourd have been found beneficial in the treatment of palpitation of the heart. The juice of these leaves should be extracted and given in doses of one to two tablespoons thrice daily.

Honey has proved valuable in overcoming this condition. Honey is considered to be an excellent food for the heart being easily digested and assimilated. The patient should take a glass of water, mixed with a tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon, before going to bed.

The herb Indian spikenard is also beneficial in the treatment of palpitation of the heart. It stimulates the action of the heart. It should be taken in doses of two to three grams with the addition of a pinch of camphor and cinnamon. It can also be taken as an infusion in doses of 30 to 60 ml, three times a day.

A mixture of powdered aniseed, dry coriander, and jaggery can also be used beneficially in the treatment of this condition. Equal quantities of each of these three substances should be powdered. About six grams of this mixed powder should be taken after each meal by the patient suffering from palpitation of the heart.

Obesity treatment

Fasting on lime juice-honey water is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity. In this mode of treatment, one teaspoon of fresh honey should be mixed with the juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water and taken at regular intervals.

Another effective remedy for obesity is an exclusive lemon juice diet. On the first day, the patient should be given nothing but plenty of water. On the second day, the diet should consist of the juice of three lemons, mixed with an equal amount of water. Subsequently, one lemon should be increased each day until the juice of twelve lemons is consumed per day. Then the number of lemons should be decreased in the same order until three lemons are taken in a day. The patient may feel weak and hungry on the first two days, but afterwards, his condition will stabilise.

The leaves of jujube or Indian plum are another valuable remedy for obesity. A handful of leaves should be soaked overnight in water and this water should be taken in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. This treatment should be continued for at least one month to achieve beneficial results.

Cabbage is considered to be an excellent home remedy for obesity. Recent research has revealed that a valuable chemical called tartaric acid is present in this vegetable which inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction. Substituting a meal with cabbage salad would be the simplest way to stay slim.

One or two ripe tomatoes taken early morning as a substitute for breakfast, for a couple of months, are considered a safe method of weight reduction. They also supply the food elements essential to preserve health.

Finger millet is an ideal food for the obese, because its digestion is slow and due to this, the carbohydrates take a longer time to get absorbed. By eating preparations made of ragi, the constant desire to eat is curbed, thus reducing the daily calorie intake. At the same time, ragi supplies an abundant quantity of calcium, phosphorus, iron, Vitamin B1 and B2 and prevents malnutrition in spite of restricted food.

Other Obesity Treatment
Exercise and perspirational activities
The patient should adopt all other natural methods of reducing weight. These include exercise such as walking, swimming, bicycling; and measures to bring on excessive perspiration such as sauna baths, steam baths, and heavy massage.


By consuming 1 to 2 tbsp of any non-carbonated syrup would help to bring relief to your system. These syrup formulas contain carbohydrates which help to cool down the stomach.

You can treat it by having two capsules of gingerroot. It will give you a quick relief and depending how severe is your nausea.

You can use fresh piece of ginger in your tea and have it to get relief from this problem.

A simple and best way to ease out all your nausea troubles is by vomiting and ending this grueling procedure once and for all.

You can have a mild tea or have gingerale which help to soothe your stomach. You can also have slippery elm, red raspberry as well as herbal candies.

Peppermint or chamomile tea is capable of getting rid of the nauseating feeling.

Morning sickness is a very common feature among pregnant ladies. To avoid this nauseating morning sickness mix 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar with 1 tbsp honey. Mix it in cold water and have it before going to bed.

Having few teaspoons of wheatgerm mixed with milk every hour may help you bid farewell to the nausea from morning sickness.

After boiling 1/2 cup of rice in 1 cup of water for 10-20 minutes, consume the rice water after draining the rice from it.

You should consume 1/2 tsp grounded cumin seed to find relief from nausea and vomiting.

Low Blood Pressure

The juice of raw beetroot is one of the most effective home remedies for low blood pressure. The patient should drink a cup of this juice twice daily for treating this condition Considerable improvement will be noticeable within a week.

The herb Indian spikenard is another effective home remedy for low blood pressure. It should be taken in doses of thirty to forty grains with a pinch of a little camphor and cinnamon (dalchini). An infusion can also be prepared by steeping 15 to 20 gm of the herb in 250 ml of boiling water, and taking it thrice a day.

Hot Epsom salt bath are one of the simplest remedy for low blood pressure. An Epsom salt bath is prepared by dissolving one to one and half kg of commercial Epsom Salt in an ordinary bath of hot water. The patient should remain immersed in the bath for ten to twenty minutes. This bath should be taken just before retiring to bed, and care should be exercised not to catch a chill afterwards.

Protein, vitamin C, and all vitamins of the B group have been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of low blood pressure. Of these, pantothenic acid is of particular importance. Liberal use of this vitamin alone often helps in raising the blood pressure. A diet which contains adequate quantities of complete proteins, B vitamin and, particularly, the nutrients that stimulate adrenal production, quickly normalizes low blood pressure.

The use of salt is valuable in low blood pressure. Until the blood pressure reaches normal levels through proper dietary and other remedies, it is essential that the patient should take salty foods and half a teaspoon of salt in water daily.

Newspaper vs Internet

Hey, listen all those who have predicted the demise of print media. Newspapers are not going to be perished under the onslaught of Internet-powered media. Instead, global newspaper circulation is rising, mainly due to the demand in Asia and South America.

According to officials at an international newspaper conference, circulation of paid newspapers rose 2.6 per cent worldwide in 2007, with the biggest jump in India and China.

According to a report by the World Associated of Newspapers, China is now the largest market for newspapers with 107 million copies sold daily.

The study also shows a slump in readership in the US and Europe, where traditional dailies struggle to survive amid free newspapers and web portals.

Officials feel that the findings should be a cause of optimism about the industry.

"They say newspapers and print are dead. Well, I just don't see it," the association's president, Timothy Balding, said at the conference, which was attended by more than 1,800 publishers, editors and other senior newspapers executives at the three-day conference.

Newspapers are doing brisk business in Asia, home to 74 of the world's 100 largest-selling dailies. But there's been a decline in readership in the West, with circulation falling three per cent in the US last year and 1.9 per cent in Europe.

Over the last five years, circulation has been down eight per cent in the US. The report also said that while newspaper advertising revenue rose in all regions, it showed a downward trend in the US, where it fell three per cent last year.

Online ad revenue up

Internet advertising revenue worldwide increased 32 per cent.

Research presented at the conference predicted an increasing shift from print to online media, with the editors are increasingly aware of the need to develop multimedia platforms in order to reach new audiences.

People in the industry talk of "1-2-3 filing," which means presenting news alert headline first for breaking news, followed by a short present-tense story mainly for the web and broadcasters, and the third step being adding details and format stories in ways most appropriate for different news platforms.

Is online the emerging media?

A study by Associated Press showed that the news consumption patterns of young adults are different from that of the previous generations.

"People don't walk out to the driveway to collect their newspaper. They open their e-mail," Jim Kennedy, AP's director of strategic planning, said while presenting the study.

The research project also showed that young adults face troubles over being flooded with facts and updates as well as in-depth reports.

A worldwide survey of 704 newspaper editors by Zogby International and Reuters showed 44 per cent believed that most people would be reading their news online in 10 years, up from 41 per cent in a similar study last year.

A survey of Nordic newspaper editors showed they see free newspapers as their main competitors, followed by the Internet.

According to the report, free dailies account for nearly seven per cent of global newspaper circulation and 23 per cent of circulation in Europe.

Shortage of Skilled Workers

An acute shortage of skilled workers is posing a major threat to the Indian economy. The Planning Commission estimates that only 20 percent of the 12.8 million entering the work force annually get some formal training.

The plan panel has assessed that in an economy growing at the rate of "over nine percent", skill development poses major challenges. At the same time, it opens up "unprecedented doors of opportunity" if the process of skill enhancement is carried out in an integrated manner.

"Time is just running out. The task of skill development must be taken seriously," Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia warned recently, adding that public-private partnership was needed to meet the requirement of skilled workers.

The Planning Commission has estimated that the ageing economy phenomenon would globally create "a skilled manpower shortage of about 46 million by 2020". If India can get its skill development act right, it will have a skilled manpower surplus of around 47 million.

"India should have 500 million skilled technicians by 2022. The task is onerous, but not impossible. Persistent efforts are needed to build capacity with focus on the workers in unorganised sector," says Harmit Sethi, Director, Skill Development, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

Skilled workers not only mean enhanced output but also increase their employability manifold. They can go overseas looking for jobs, as all of them may not get one in the country. Or they can be self-employed.

"The organised sector accommodates only 16 percent of the total work force while the rest is in unorganised sector. There are around 300 million workers in the unorganised sector. There is a need to transform them into an asset by enhancing their skills," Sethi told IANS.

"The government is making concerted efforts to develop skills among unorganised sector workers. The skill development initiative (SDI) scheme is a new strategic framework for skill development called modular employable skills (MES) framework," said Pillai.

"SDI will cater to the requirements of school dropouts and unorganised sector workers in a big way. The ministry trained over 24,000 people under the scheme in 2007-08 against the target of 10,000," she added.

Sethi said that the government and private sector were making adequate efforts to develop skills. He called for incentives or tax rebates for industry employing skilled manpower.

The government May 15 approved the setting up of a National Skill Development Corp (NSDC) to cater to the needs of skilled personnel of the private sector in different fields. A total of Rs.10 billion has been provided for the initiative. This will later go up to Rs.150 billion.

NSDC, created at the recommendation of the Planning Commission, will put special emphasis on nearly two dozen high-growth, high-employment sectors like automobile, heath care services, banking, organised retail, insurance, construction, pharmaceuticals, food processing, textile, media, entertainment and tourism.

The ministry of labour and employment spent Rs.10.9 billion on training and skill development in the last fiscal against Rs.1.01 billion in 2006-07. Around 400 industrial training institutes (ITIs) are being developed as centres of excellence in the country.

Apart from the ministry of labour and employment, the ministries of rural development and human resource development are set to contribute a lot towards skill development through vocational educational system, said an official in the plan panel

The Power of Newspapers

Newspapers can be an important component in any advertiser's media mix.
Newspapers give advertisers significant local reach. They are the voice of their community.
• On an average weekday, 50% of U.S. adults read a newspaper and 2.3 people read each copy of a newspaper.1
• On an average Sunday, 57% of U.S. adults read a newspaper – that's more than watch the Super Bowl.1
• Newspapers are the #1 source for local news.2
Newspapers help advertisers reach an attractive demographic.3
• Readers tend to be highly educated and affluent, have higher Internet penetration and shop online more frequently.
• Readers say that the newspaper is "an important part of their daily routine," and that "reading the newspaper is relaxing to me."

Newspapers are a key resource for shopping information that drives consumers to make purchases – online and offline.3
• 84% say they visited a retail store as a result of newspaper advertising.
• 60% said they visited a website to learn more about a product or service seen in a newspaper ad.
• 50% said they bought something online after seeing a newspaper ad.

Newspapers are relevant throughout the purchase cycle.
Consumers refer to newspaper ads whether they're gathering product information or deciding which merchant offers the best price.

Steps to building a newspaper campaign

1. Choose newspapers based on geography, circulation size, ad size availability, section availability, and other criteria.
2. Select day(s)-of-week, desired section, and ad size for each desired publication.

Internet is rivaling TV and print

Study confirms the Internet is rivaling TV and print

Data has traditionally been lacking for marketers who want to understand the media consumption habits of consumers in Asia and how people in the region perceive each medium with regards to their personal and business needs. A new study sheds valuable light on the topic.

Microsoft Advertising conducted a media consumption study via Synovate AsiaBUS service, surveying over 11,000 people aged 15-64 in 10 markets in Asia Pacific: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.

The research findings confirm the Internet has become a mainstream medium that now rivals traditional media such as television, newspapers and radio. The survey also reveals that the Internet excels over other media in attracting key demographics for advertisers.

Key audiences spending more time online

The AsiaBUS Study shows people spend 15 hours a week on the Internet, challenging the leading position of TV (18 hours). Respondents also report spending far less time reading newspapers and magazines, 5 hours and 3 hours respectively, though radio still accounts for quite a significant share of media time (12 hours).

Looking at media consumption across demographics, a few groups show higher engagement with the Internet than with other media. For example, those aged 25 to 34 spend the most time on the Internet, 18.5 hours per week versus 17 hours on TV. Two other groups show an even stronger preference for the Internet: University graduates and Top/Middle management, both of which are prime targets for advertisers given their higher purchasing power, and personal and business decision making power.

Internet is top source for information

Besides exploring media consumption habits, the study also examines perceptions of these media. What comes out very strongly is that the Internet is regarded as the top information source, be it for personal or business interests. The Internet is the first place people look for information and gives the depth of information they want.

The Internet's outstanding information gathering capabilities also helps consumers decide what to buy. People feel the Internet keeps them ahead of the game, describing the Internet as an active medium which puts them in control.

With all these advantages, it is not surprising to see that people are planning to use the Internet more than other media in the future.

Advertisers look no further: online is "in"

The AsiaBUS Study confirms once and for all that the Internet has clearly assumed its rightful place as a mainstream medium in consumers' thoughts and actions. With the Internet's importance continuing to rise even more in the future, advertisers will be turning online more and more to engage with prime target audiences.